AWS CloudShell¶
After the migration of AWS CloudShell from Amazon Linux 2 to Amazon Linux 2023 [1] [2], there is no longer a need to manually compile Python 3.9 as it's already included in AL2023. Prowler can thus be easily installed following the Generic method of installation via pip. Follow the steps below to successfully execute Prowler v4 in AWS CloudShell:
Download Files¶
To download the results from AWS CloudShell, select Actions -> Download File and add the full path of each file. For the CSV file it will be something like /home/cloudshell-user/output/prowler-output-123456789012-20221220191331.csv
Clone Prowler from Github¶
The limited storage that AWS CloudShell provides for the user's home directory causes issues when installing the poetry dependencies to run Prowler from GitHub. Here is a workaround:
sudo bash
adduser prowler
su prowler
git clone
cd prowler
pip install poetry
mkdir /tmp/poetry
poetry config cache-dir /tmp/poetry
eval $(poetry env activate)
poetry install
python -v
[!IMPORTANT] Starting from Poetry v2.0.0,
poetry shell
has been deprecated in favor ofpoetry env activate
.If your poetry version is below 2.0.0 you must keep using
poetry shell
to activate your environment. In case you have any doubts, consult the Poetry environment activation guide: