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Prowler allows you to run your own local dashboards using the csv outputs provided by Prowler

prowler dashboard

You can expose the dashboard server in another address using the HOST environment variable.

To run Prowler local dashboard with Docker, use:

docker run -v /your/local/dir/prowler-output:/home/prowler/output --env HOST= --publish toniblyx/prowler:latest dashboard

Make sure you update the /your/local/dir/prowler-output to match the path that contains your prowler output.


Remember that the dashboard server is not authenticated, if you expose it to the internet, you are running it at your own risk.

The banner and additional info about the dashboard will be shown on your console:

Overview Page

The overview page provides a full impression of your findings obtained from Prowler:

In this page you can do multiple functions:

  • Apply filters:
    • Assesment Date
    • Account
    • Region
    • Severity
    • Service
    • Status
  • See which files has been scanned to generate the dashboard placing your mouse on the ? icon:
  • Download the Top Findings by Severity table using the button DOWNLOAD THIS TABLE AS CSV or DOWNLOAD THIS TABLE AS XLSX
  • Click on the provider cards to filter by provider.
  • On the dropdowns under Top Findings by Severity you can apply multiple sorts to see the information, also you will get a detailed view of each finding using the dropdowns:

Compliance Page

This page shows all the info related to the compliance selected, you can apply multiple filters depending on your preferences.

To add your own compliance to compliance page, add a file with the compliance name (using _ instead of .) to the path /dashboard/compliance.

In this file use the format present in the others compliance files to create the table. Example for CIS 2.0:

import warnings

from dashboard.common_methods import get_section_containers_cis


def get_table(data):
    aux = data[

    return get_section_containers_cis(

S3 Integration

If you are using Prowler SaaS with the S3 integration or that integration from Prowler Open Source and you want to use your data from your S3 bucket, you can run:

aws s3 cp s3://<your-bucket>/output/csv ./output --recursive
to load the dashboard with the new files.

Output Path

Prowler will use the outputs from the folder /output (for common prowler outputs) and /output/compliance (for prowler compliance outputs) to generate the dashboard.

To change the path modify the values folder_path_overview or folder_path_compliance from /dashboard/


If you have any issue related with dashboards, check that the output path where the dashboard is getting the outputs is correct.

Output Support

Prowler dashboard supports the detailed outputs:
