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Prowler App

The Prowler App is a user-friendly interface for the Prowler CLI, providing a visual dashboard to monitor your cloud security posture. This tutorial will guide you through setting up and using the Prowler App.

After installing the Prowler App, access it at http://localhost:3000. You can also access to the auto-generated Prowler API documentation at http://localhost:8080/api/v1/docs to see all the available endpoints, parameters and responses.


If you are a Prowler Cloud user you can see API docs at

Step 1: Sign Up

Sign up with Email

To get started, sign up using your email and password:

Sign Up Button Sign Up

Sign up with Social Login

If Social Login is enabled, you can sign up using your preferred provider (e.g., Google, GitHub).

How Social Login Works
  • If your email is already registered, you will be logged in, and your social account will be linked.
  • If your email is not registered, a new account will be created using your social account email.
Enable Social Login

See how to configure Social Login for Prowler to enable this feature in your own deployments.

Step 2: Log In

Once you’ve signed up, log in with your email and password to start using the Prowler App.

Log In

You will see the Overview page with no data yet, so let's start adding a provider to scan your cloud environment.

Step 3: Add a Provider

To run your first scan, you need to add a cloud provider account. Prowler App supports AWS, Azure, GCP, and Kubernetes.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Cloud Providers.
  2. Click Add Account to set up a new provider and provide your credentials:

Add Provider

Step 4: Configure the Provider

Choose the provider you want to scan from the following options:

Select a Provider

Once you’ve selected a provider, you need to provide the Provider UID:

  • AWS: Enter your AWS Account ID.
  • GCP: Enter your GCP Project ID.
  • Azure: Enter your Azure Subscription ID.
  • Kubernetes: Enter your Kubernetes Cluster context of your kubeconfig file.

Optionally, provide a Provider Alias for easier identification. Follow the instructions provided to add your credentials:

Step 4.1: AWS Credentials

For AWS, enter your AWS Account ID and choose one of the following methods to connect:

Step 4.1.1: IAM Access Keys

  1. Select Connect via Credentials.

    AWS Credentials

  2. Enter your Access Key ID, Secret Access Key and optionally a Session Token:

    AWS Credentials

Step 4.1.2: IAM Role

  1. Select Connect assuming IAM Role.

    AWS Role

  2. Enter the Role ARN and any optional field like the AWS Access Keys to assume the role, the External ID, the Role Session Name or the Session Duration:

    AWS Role


check if your AWS Security Token Service (STS) has the EU (Ireland) endpoint active. If not we will not be able to connect to your AWS account.

If that is the case your STS configuration may look like this:

AWS Role

To solve this issue, please activate the EU (Ireland) STS endpoint.

Step 4.2: Azure Credentials

For Azure, Prowler App uses a service principal application to authenticate, for more information about the process of creating and adding permissions to a service principal check this section. When you finish creating and adding the Entra and Subscription scope permissions to the service principal, enter the Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret of the service principal application.

Azure Credentials

Step 4.3: GCP Credentials

To connect your GCP Project, you need to use the Application Default Credentials (ADC) returned by the gcloud CLI. Here’s how to set up:

  1. Run the following command in your terminal to authenticate with GCP:
    gcloud auth application-default login
  2. Once authenticated, get the Client ID, Client Secret and Refresh Token from ~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.
  3. Paste the Client ID, Client Secret and Refresh Token into the Prowler App.

GCP Credentials

Step 4.4: Kubernetes Credentials

For Kubernetes, Prowler App uses a kubeconfig file to authenticate, paste the contents of your kubeconfig file into the Kubeconfig content field.

By default, the kubeconfig file is located at ~/.kube/config.

Kubernetes Credentials


If you are adding an EKS, GKE, AKS or external cluster, follow these additional steps to ensure proper authentication:

** Make sure your cluster allow traffic from the Prowler Cloud IP address **

  1. Apply the necessary Kubernetes resources to your EKS, GKE, AKS or external cluster (you can find the files in the kubernetes directory of the Prowler repository):

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes/prowler-sa.yaml
    kubectl apply -f kubernetes/prowler-role.yaml
    kubectl apply -f kubernetes/prowler-rolebinding.yaml

  2. Generate a long-lived token for authentication:

    kubectl create token prowler-sa -n prowler-ns --duration=0

    • Security Note: The --duration=0 option generates a non-expiring token, which may pose a security risk if not managed properly. Users should decide on an appropriate expiration time based on their security policies. If a limited-time token is preferred, set --duration=<TIME> (e.g., --duration=24h).
    • Important: If the token expires, Prowler Cloud will no longer be able to authenticate with the cluster. In this case, you will need to generate a new token and remove and re-add the provider in Prowler Cloud with the updated kubeconfig.
  3. Update your kubeconfig to use the ServiceAccount token:

    kubectl config set-credentials prowler-sa --token=<SA_TOKEN>
    kubectl config set-context <CONTEXT_NAME> --user=prowler-sa
    Replace with the generated token and with your KubeConfig Context Name of your EKS, GKE or AKS cluster.

  4. Now you can add the modified kubeconfig in Prowler Cloud. Then simply test the connection.

Step 5: Test Connection

After adding your credentials of your cloud account, click the Launch button to verify that the Prowler App can successfully connect to your provider:

Test Connection

Step 6: Scan started

After successfully adding and testing your credentials, Prowler will start scanning your cloud environment, click on the Go to Scans button to see the progress:

Start Now


Prowler will automatically scan all configured providers every 24 hours, ensuring your cloud environment stays continuously monitored.

Step 7: Monitor Scan Progress

Track the progress of your scan in the Scans section:

Scan Progress

Step 8: Analyze the Findings

While the scan is running, start exploring the findings in these sections:

  • Overview: High-level summary of the scans. Overview
  • Compliance: Insights into compliance status. Compliance
  • Issues: Types of issues detected.


  • Browse All Findings: Detailed list of findings detected, where you can filter by severity, service, and more. Findings

To view all new findings that have not been seen prior to this scan, click the Delta filter and select new. To view all changed findings that have had a status change (from PASS to FAIL for example), click the Delta filter and select changed.

Step 9: Download the Outputs

Once the scan is complete, you can download the output files generated by Prowler as a single zip file. This archive contains the CSV, JSON-OSCF, and HTML reports detailing the findings.

To download these files, click the Download button. This button becomes available only after the scan has finished.

Download output

This action downloads a zip file containing an output folder, which includes the files mentioned above: CSV, JSON-OSCF, and HTML reports.

Output folder

API Note

To learn more about the API endpoint the UI uses to download ZIP exports, see: Prowler API Reference - Download Scan Output