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Scan Multiple AWS Accounts

Prowler can scan multiple accounts when it is executed from one account that can assume a role in those given accounts to scan using Assume Role feature and AWS Organizations integration feature.

Scan multiple specific accounts sequentially

  • Declare a variable with all the accounts to scan:
ACCOUNTS_LIST='11111111111 2222222222 333333333'
  • Then run Prowler to assume a role (change <role_name> below to yours, that must be the same in all accounts):
  for accountId in $ACCOUNTS_LIST; do
  prowler aws --role arn:aws:iam::$accountId:role/$ROLE_TO_ASSUME

Scan multiple specific accounts in parallel

  • Declare a variable with all the accounts to scan:
ACCOUNTS_LIST='11111111111 2222222222 333333333'
  • Then run Prowler to assume a role (change <role_name> below to yours, that must be the same in all accounts), in this example it will scan 3 accounts in parallel:
for accountId in $ACCOUNTS_LIST; do
    test "$(jobs | wc -l)" -ge $PARALLEL_ACCOUNTS && wait || true
        prowler aws --role arn:aws:iam::$accountId:role/$ROLE_TO_ASSUME
    } &

Scan multiple accounts from AWS Organizations in parallel

  • Declare a variable with all the accounts to scan. To do so, get the list of your AWS accounts in your AWS Organization by running the following command (will create a variable with all your ACTIVE accounts). Remember to run that command with the permissions needed to get that information in your AWS Organizations Management account.
ACCOUNTS_IN_ORG=$(aws organizations list-accounts --query Accounts[?Status==`ACTIVE`].Id --output text)
  • Then run Prowler to assume a role (change <role_name> that must be the same in all accounts and <management_organizations_account_id> that must be your AWS Organizations management account ID):
for accountId in $ACCOUNTS_IN_ORG; do
    test "$(jobs | wc -l)" -ge $PARALLEL_ACCOUNTS && wait || true
        prowler aws --role arn:aws:iam::$accountId:role/$ROLE_TO_ASSUME \
        --organizations-role arn:aws:iam::$MGMT_ACCOUNT_ID:role/$ROLE_TO_ASSUME
    } &