IAM policy documents allow * (asterisk) as a statement's action
IAM policies should grant a minimum set of permissions, adding more as required, rather than grant full administrative privileges. Providing full administrative privileges when not required exposes resources to potentially unwanted actions.
Fix - Runtime
AWS Console
- Log in to the AWS Management Console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/.
- Open the Amazon IAM console.
- In the navigation pane, click Policies and then search for the policy name found in the audit step.
- Select the policy that needs to be deleted.
- In the policy action menu, select first Detach.
- Select all Users, Groups, Roles that have this policy attached.
- Click Detach Policy.
- In the policy action menu, select Detach.
CLI Command
- List all IAM users, groups, and roles that the specified managed policy is attached to:
aws iam list-entities-for-policy --policy-arn <policy_arn>
- Detach the policy from all IAM Users:
aws iam detach-user-policy --user-name <iam_user> --policy-arn <policy_arn>
- Detach the policy from all IAM Groups:
aws iam detach-group-policy --group-name <iam_group> --policy-arn <policy_arn>
- Detach the policy from all IAM Roles:
aws iam detach-role-policy --role-name <iam_role> --policy-arn <policy_arn>
Fix - Buildtime
- Resources: aws_iam_policy
- Argument: policy - (Required) The policy document. This is a JSON formatted string. For more information about building AWS IAM policy documents with Terraform, see the AWS IAM Policy Document Guide.
resource "aws_iam_policy" "policy" {
name = "test_policy"
path = "/"
description = "My test policy"
policy = <<EOF
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
- "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"