A log metric filter and alarm does not exist for disabling or scheduled deletion of customer created CMKs
Real-time monitoring of API calls can be achieved by directing CloudTrail Logs to CloudWatch Logs and establishing corresponding metric filters and alarms. Data encrypted with disabled or deleted keys will no longer be accessible.
We recommend you establish a log metric filter and alarm to detect customer created CMKs which have changed state to disabled or schedule deletion.
Fix - Runtime
To setup the metric filter, alarm, SNS topic, and subscription, follow these steps and commands:
- Determine the CloudTrail log group name to monitor.
aws cloudtrail describe-trails
Look for the field CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn. Your log group name comes after the log-group field. For example:
If you don't see the field CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn in your output, your CloudTrail is not setup to ship logs to CloudTrail. Please follow the AWS Documentation for sending CloudTrail events to CloudWatch logs.
2. Create a metric filter based on filter pattern provided which checks for disabled or scheduled for deletion CMK's and the \
aws logs put-metric-filter
--log-group-name <cloudtrail_log_group_name>
--filter-name <disable_or_delete_cmk_changes_metric>
--metrictransformations metricName= <disable_or_delete_cmk_changes_metric>,
--filter-pattern '{($.eventSource = kms.amazonaws.com) &&
(($.eventName=DisableKey)||($.eventName=ScheduleKeyDeletion)) }'
📘 Note
You can choose your own metricName and metricNamespace strings. Using the same metricNamespace for all Foundations Benchmark metrics will group them together.
- Create an SNS topic that the alarm will notify.
aws sns create-topic --name <sns_topic_name>
📘 Note
You can execute this command once and then re-use the same topic for all monitoring alarms.
- Create an SNS subscription to the topic created in Step 2.
aws sns subscribe
--topic-arn <sns_topic_arn>
--protocol <protocol_for_sns>
--notification-endpoint <sns_subscription_endpoints>
📘 Note
You can execute this command once and then re-use the SNS subscription for all monitoring alarms.
- Create an alarm that is associated with the CloudWatch Logs Metric Filter created in Step 1 and an SNS topic created in Step 2.
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm
--alarm-name <disable_or_delete_cmk_changes_alarm>
--metric-name <disable_or_delete_cmk_changes_metric>
--statistic Sum
--period 300
--threshold 1
--comparison-operator GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold
--evaluationperiods 1
--namespace 'CISBenchmark'
--alarm-actions <sns_topic_arn>
Fix - Buildtime
Resource: aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter, aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm
```go aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.cmk.tf resource "aws_sns_topic" "trail-unauthorised" { name="Unauthorised" kms_master_key_id = "alias/aws/sns" }
resource "aws_sns_topic_subscription" "sms" { topic_arn = aws_sns_topic.trail-unauthorised.arn protocol = "sms" endpoint=var.endpoint }
resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm" "cmk" { alarm_name = "disable_or_delete_cmk_changes_alarm" comparison_operator = "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold" evaluation_periods = 1 metric_name = "disable_or_delete_cmk_changes_metric" namespace = "CISBenchmark" period = 300 statistic = "Sum" threshold = 1 alarm_actions = [aws_sns_topic.trail-unauthorised.arn] }
resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter" "cmk" { name = "disable_or_delete_cmk_changes_metric" pattern = "{($.eventSource = kms.amazonaws.com) && (($.eventName=DisableKey)||($.eventName=ScheduleKeyDeletion)) }" log_group_name = var.log_group_name
metric_transformation { name = "disable_or_delete_cmk_changes_metric" namespace = "CISBenchmark" value = "1" } } ```