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AWS EC2 instance is not configured with VPC


Using the EC2-VPC platform for launching your EC2 instances instead of EC2-Classic can bring several advantages:
Better networking infrastructure (network isolation, Elastic Network Interfaces, subnets)
More flexible security controls (network ACLs, security groups outbound/egress filtering)
Access to newer and powerful instance types (C4, M4, T2, etc)
Capability to run instances on single-tenant hardware

Fix - Buildtime


  • Resource: aws_vpc, aws_subnet, aws_network_interface, aws_instance
  • Argument: network_interface of aws_instance
resource "aws_vpc" "my_vpc" {
  cidr_block = ""

  tags = {
    Name = "tf-example"

resource "aws_subnet" "my_subnet" {
  vpc_id            =
  cidr_block        = ""
  availability_zone = "us-west-2a"

  tags = {
    Name = "tf-example"

resource "aws_network_interface" "network_interface_ok" {
  subnet_id   =
  private_ips = [""]

  tags = {
    Name = "primary_network_interface"

resource "aws_instance" "foo" {
  ami           = "ami-005e54dee72cc1d00" # us-west-2
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

  network_interface {
    network_interface_id =
    device_index         = 0

  credit_specification {
    cpu_credits = "unlimited"