S3 policies
Ensure bucket ACL does not grant READ permission to everyone
Ensure AWS S3 bucket is not publicly writable
Ensure bucket ACL does not grant READ_ACP permission to everyone
Ensure bucket ACL does not grant WRITE_ACP permission to everyone
Ensure bucket ACL does not grant FULL_CONTROL permission to everyone
Ensure bucket ACL does not grant READ permission to AWS users
Ensure bucket ACL does not grant WRITE permission to AWS users
Ensure bucket ACL does not grant READ_ACP permission to AWS users
Ensure bucket ACL does not grant WRITE_ACP permission to AWS users
Ensure bucket ACL does not grant FULL_CONTROL permission to AWS users
Ensure S3 bucket policy does not grant Allow permission to everyone
Ensure AWS access logging is enabled on S3 buckets
Ensure data stored in the S3 bucket is securely encrypted at rest
Ensure data is transported from the S3 bucket securely
Ensure AWS S3 object versioning is enabled
Ensure bucket policy does not grant Write permissions to public
Ensure S3 bucket has block public ACLS enabled
Ensure S3 bucket BlockPublicPolicy is set to True
Ensure S3 bucket IgnorePublicAcls is set to True
Ensure S3 bucket RestrictPublicBucket is set to True
Ensure S3 bucket does not allow an action with any Principal