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AWS access logging is not enabled on S3 buckets


Access logging provides detailed audit logging for all objects and folders in an S3 bucket.

Fix - Runtime

AWS Console

To change the policy using the AWS Console, follow these steps:

  1. Lo gin to the AWS Management Console at
  2. Open the Amazon S3 console.
  3. Navigate to the Bucket name list.
  4. To enable server access logging for a bucket, select the name of the bucket.
  5. Click Properties.
  6. Click Server access logging.
  7. Click Enable Logging.

📘 Notes

  • For the target, select the name of the bucket that you want to receive the log record objects.
  • The target bucket must be in the same Region as the source bucket and must not have a default retention period configuration.
  1. Click Save.

CLI Command

The example below sets the logging policy for MyBucket.
The AWS user [email protected] will have full control over the log files, no one else has any access.

```python S3 logging

First, grant S3 permission with put-bucket-acl:

aws s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket MyBucket --grant-write URI= --grant-read-acp URI=

Then apply the logging policy:

aws s3api put-bucket-logging --bucket MyBucket --bucket-logging-status file://logging.json

logging.json is a JSON document in the current folder that contains the logging policy:

{ "LoggingEnabled": { "TargetBucket": "MyBucket", "TargetPrefix": "MyBucketLogs/", "TargetGrants": [ { "Grantee": { "Type": "AmazonCustomerByEmail", "EmailAddress": "[email protected]" }, "Permission": "FULL_CONTROL" } ] } }

# Fix - Buildtime

## Terraform

- **Resource:**  aws_s3_bucket, aws_s3_bucket_logging

+ resource "aws_s3_bucket_logging" "example" {
+   bucket =
+   target_bucket =
+   target_prefix = "log/"
+ }