Service Account has admin privileges
A service account is a special Google account that belongs to an application or a VM, not to an individual end-user. The application uses the service account to call the service's Google API so that users are not directly involved.
Service accounts represent service-level security of application or VM Resources, determined by the roles assigned to them. Enrolling ServiceAccount with Admin rights gives full access to an assigned application or a VM. A ServiceAccount Access holder can perform critical actions, such as delete and update change settings, without user intervention.
We recommend you do not grant Admin privileges for ServiceAccount.
Fix - Runtime
GCP Console
To change the policy using the GCP Console, follow these steps:
- Log in to the GCP Console at
- Navigate to IAM Admin.
- Navigate to Members.
- Identify User-Managed user created service account with roles containing *Admin
or *admin or roles matching Editor or Owner. - Click the Trash icon to remove the role from the member. In this case service account.
CLI Command
- Using a text editor, remove Role that contains roles/*Admin or roles/*admin or matches roles/editor or roles/owner. Add a role to the bindings array that defines the group members and the role for those members.
- Update the project's IAM policy:
gcloud projects set-iam-policy PROJECT_ID iam.json
Fix - Buildtime
- Resource: google_project_iam_member
- Argument: role + member
resource "google_project_iam_member" "project" {
project = "your-project-id"
- role = "roles/owner"
- member = "user:[email protected]"