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GCP Projects

By default, Prowler is multi-project, which means that is going to scan all the Google Cloud projects that the authenticated user has access to. If you want to scan a specific project(s), you can use the --project-ids argument.

prowler gcp --project-ids project-id1 project-id2

You can use asterisk * to scan projects that match a pattern. For example, prowler gcp --project-ids "prowler*" will scan all the projects that start with prowler.


If you want to know the projects that you have access to, you can use the following command:

prowler gcp --list-project-ids

Exclude Projects

If you want to exclude some projects from the scan, you can use the --excluded-project-ids argument.

prowler gcp --excluded-project-ids project-id1 project-id2

You can use asterisk * to exclude projects that match a pattern. For example, prowler gcp --excluded-project-ids "sys*" will exclude all the projects that start with sys.